Wednesday 1 February 2012

Who doesn't desire a sexy partner!

Who doesn't desire a sexy partner!
Who doesn't desire a sexy partner! (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
Whether we admit it or not, everyone wants apartner high on the oomph meter, says a study
You are fooling no one with the 'looks don't matter to me' line. For researchers at anAmerican University found that no matter how much people say they are looking for someone smart, who they can trust and laugh with, they have an unconscious desire to get a sexually attractive partner - which applies both to men and women.

Dr Kersi Chavda, a psychiatrist, explains, "It is possible that the first impression of an attractive person causes the most positive reaction. However, overtime physical attractions tends to dip. A relationship does needs physical attractiveness to grow." He says, "As one becomes more mature, physical attributes are not enough. Conversational chemistry also becomes essential, and it gets impossible 'to continue' in a relationship based only on physical attributes." He also stresses that physical chemistry is vital. "And whether this chemistry could be due to a person's figure, or smile or part of the anatomy, is immaterial." There has to be some attraction he says, adding, "Often this attraction is different for different individuals."

Psychiatrist Dr Kamaljit Singh terms such chemistry as the "click." He attributes such attractions to the evolution of the brain. He says, "Our brain has learnt to pick up signs for health. These are scanned and a possibility of producing a healthy offspring is calculated," and the best ones convert into attraction signals for us.

Dr Singh says we are well-equipped to screen the best partners. "After the physical attraction settles down, the prefrontal cortex can think about other areas and scan the person on other compatibility areas."

Study says...

People will readily tell you what they value in a romantic partner - that's usually attributes like being understanding, intelligent, good sense of humour. But study after study shows that those preferences don't predict whom daters are actually attracted to when they meet flesh-and-blood partners.

Zodiac zing

Astro Sciences also recognise the 'law of attraction' and rate Scorpio, Leo and Cancer as the sexiest signs of the zodiac.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

This is said to be the sexiest sign in the entire zodiac. Those who have dated a Scorpio can vouch that they have an irresistible power of attraction. There's a joke that even the ugly demented ones can get people to do what they want. The mystery surrounding them turns everybody on.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

It is the next sexiest sign in the zodiac. People are often attracted to the warmth and charisma they exude. Leos make their partner the centre of their world. For a lot of people that kind of attention is very sexy.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

The third sexiest sign in the zodiac is Cancer. Cancerians have a zany sense of humour, and are very romantic.

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