Saturday 21 January 2012

Consumers choosing smartphones with iPhone 4S helping close the Android-iOS gap

I purchased an iPhone 4S on Verizon the day it launched and even after taking a look at the latest Android device, the Galaxy Nexus, I still prefer the Apple iPhone 4S. Nielsen just posted survey results that shows the iPhone 4S was a very popular purchase at the end of 2011 and the gap between iOS and Android is narrowing.
The Nielsen report shows that by the end of 2011 46% of U.S. mobile consumers had smartphones and that number continues strong growth. 60% of those who purchased a new device in the last three months chose a smartphone over a feature phone. My wife’s aunt bought her first smartphone last week and it was the Verizon iPhone 4S. Looking at the Nielsen charts, you can see that Android remains the most popular with iOS gaining a bit while RIM is seeing serious declines. Windows Phone 7, my personal favorite on T-Mobile, just can’t seem to gain any market share yet and hopefully 2012 is the year they start making some headway.

Android is a powerful mobile operating system and I enjoy it for the widgets, custom keyboards, and ability to try out different ROMs. However, for day-to-day usage I still prefer my iPhone 4S for its ease of use and well designed applications. I honestly thought the iPhone would top out and flatten given that the iPhone 4 has been out for quite some time, but I think the improvements in the 4S and the launch on Sprint have helped. I know quite a few Sprint customers who purchased an iPhone 4S for Christmas and know I would get one for my wife if the iPhone would ever come to T-Mobile.

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