Tuesday 17 January 2012

South African beach dubbed world's deadliest

LONDON: A beach in South Africa has been dubbed the "world's deadliest" after a surfer wasbitten to death by a shark in the sixth fatal attack in five years. 

Ngidi Msungubana, 25, died Sunday after being repeatedly bitten off the Second Beach in Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape province, the Daily Mail reported. 

Officials said Msungubana fought with the shark for around five minutes before being dragged out of the water by a lifeguard. 

"The man was surfing and was in water which was only around a metre and a half deep when the shark struck. Witnesses said he wrestled with the shark for around five minutes as the water turned red," said provincial health spokesman Sizwe Kupelo

The surfer was bitten on both arms and stomach and died on the way to a hospital. 

Experts said Msungubana was attacked by a bull shark, which hunt alone and are famously aggressive. 

Surfing expert Michael Gatcke said a team of specialists has been brought in amid the spate of attacks. 

"This is now the sixth attack here in the last five years and people are getting worried about their safety in the sea." 

A lifeguard died in 2007 and there were three attacks in 2009. There was an attack on a surfer Jan 15 last year. 

Officials Monday issued a fresh safety warning for bathers at the beach

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